

Anxiety ridden little midden

Keeping hidden. 

And Good riddance. 

Cause She ain't worth penny or pound

And if she’s hoping she'll be found Then she’s deluded,


Uninvited to the party, 

They don't care for her kind heart ae,

All they care for is that party part ae... 

And she can't do it.



She's been through it. 

Been feart and fucked,  

Been chucked around. 

Been heard and hurt, And still shut down.

I been pushing but impatient  Been impartial to the statement

Been afflicted and affected 

Been addicted to affection 

Been distracted by attraction 

Been attracted to attention 

Been in urgent need, 

Of another feed,  

Reacted to his actions.

Smell of Hope.

Smell of Death.

Smell the sweat dripping down the backs of every thick slick I've ever met.

Smell the Smoke.

On your Breath. 

Smell the stench of your desire as your loins burst into fire 

Smell the Dope. 

On your Chest. 

Smell the fear of a lonely little lady loner, 

Feeling only colder, 

As your want for her gets bolder, 

All she wants for is a shoulder, 

And for you to Fucking

Hold her.  

But these lies are what you told her.

Now her eyes are growing older. 

Growing dark from these harsh lessons 

Skin’s got thicker for protection.

Cause as you ached from your erection,

In your eyes was no detection, 

Of a care. 

For what's fair. 

Or even a single hair 

On this Living, 



Fuck toy.

With some luck boy,

  This will Stop.  

Now she cries,and she lies.Full of despise and contempt.

Poppin’ pills, blurry eyes, 

Was this the cause you meant? 

I doubt you even kent what you were up to.

What were you up to ?




Don't forget to Breathe