5Rhythms Dance Workshop

With Serena Wolfaard

5Rhythms dance provides a map through many transitions. We learn to trust our bodies, to expand into new possibilities, to relate in new and healthy ways. The 5Rhythms consist of energetic qualities from Flow, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical, into Stillness. 

“The 5Rhythms dance practise has been my guide for many years through many transitions and deep waters. In our time together we will explore, discover and express what is with us in the moment, there are no right or wrong steps, it is always what is present and how does it move – the truest form of expression. The body communicates all the time. In the dance we notice our sensations, notice our hungers, notice where we need to turn away, notice when we can open up and receive. Mostly we test, play with, expand, and contract our boundaries. We embrace our vulnerabilities and honour what our needs are. In the hour and half together, we will move through a wave of energy, allowing the music to guide us in our dance to express, and withhold where needed.”

Summerhall - Old lab

Family Friendly

Wheelchair accessible | Quiet room available

Pay As You Can


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